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A Framework for The Metaverse

A Framework for The Metaverse

When did the mobile internet era begin? Some would start this history with the very first mobile phones.

Apple, Its Control Over the iPhone, The Internet, And Yes, The Metaverse

Apple, Its Control Over the iPhone, The Internet, And Yes, The Metaverse

An essay on platforms, power, prosperity, principles, and profits.

The Epic Games Primer: Parts I-VI Directory

The Epic Games Primer: Parts I-VI Directory

This six-part series is designed to be an “Explain Like I’m (Twenty) Five” edition of Epic Games.

Digital Theme Park Platforms: The Most Important Media Businesses of the Future

Digital Theme Park Platforms: The Most Important Media Businesses of the Future

Disney is the envy of every media company, regardless of whether it focuses on film, TV, gaming, music or publishing.

On Fortnite's Travis Scott Concert

On Fortnite's Travis Scott Concert

Here is a quick summary of my thoughts on Fortnite’s Travis Scott live concert.

The Next Frontier in Storytelling Universes and the Never Ending Desire for More

The Next Frontier in Storytelling Universes and the Never Ending Desire for More

One of the strongest and most consistent human traits is our desire to escape to imaginary worlds where anything is possible.

The Metaverse: What It Is, Where to Find it, Who Will Build It, and Fortnite

The Metaverse: What It Is, Where to Find it, Who Will Build It, and Fortnite

Technology frequently produces surprises that nobody predicts. However, the biggest developments are often anticipated decades in advance.

The Mirage of Cloud Gaming (And How to Reach the Oasis)

The Mirage of Cloud Gaming (And How to Reach the Oasis)

Cloud gaming is the new “thing” in the media industry.